“Thanksgiving on Every Table”
Annual Food Drive To Benefit

North Hills Community Outreach (NHCO)



Our 2024 Annual Food Drive will run from October 21st through October 31st.  Please consider donating any of the following items to help support local families in need during Thanksgiving.



Gift Card Donations:

  • Please place gift cards in an envelope marked "Thanksgiving Food Drive" and drop off in the school office or send to school with your student to give to their home room teacher.  

Donations may be placed in the School Lobby Collection Box through October 31st


The Caring and Family Support Committee extends their appreciation for the continuing generosity and support of our Bradford Woods families!





It is only through the support of parents like you, that the PFA can continue to operate and provide for our students the programs, events and opportunities that it does. Please look for volunteer opportunities throughout the year, which will be published in our PFA newsletters and weekly district emails. A list of our 2024-25 PFA COMMITTEES is located here. If you are interested in volunteering, please email bwepfa@gmail.com.