Did you know the BWE PFA funds in-school assemblies, transportation for field trips and equipment for recess? We support our teachers, staff & students by providing classroom supplies, events, and programs not otherwise funded by the district.
Click here to see how the PFA makes a difference throughout the year!
Your membership also provides you with access to the Yearbook Snapshots Page, PFA Online Directory, After School Program Registration, & Home Room Parent & Party Volunteer Registration.
If I join, do I have to...
- Go to meetings?
No. But you are always welcome. - Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school?
Nope! Joining the PFA is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.
It is only through the support of parents like you, that the PFA can continue to operate and provide for our students the programs, events and opportunities that it does. Please look for volunteer opportunities throughout the year, which will be published in our PFA newsletters and weekly district emails. A list of our 2024-25 PFA COMMITTEES is located here. If you are interested in volunteering, please email bwepfa@gmail.com. |