The content you are looking for is open to
PAID PFA Members Only.


but joining is easy...


We'd love to have you

become a PFA Member!

     Join the PFA Today!     

already a member?

We encourage all families to join the BWE PFA. Your $30.00 membership fee helps us do so much for BWE and helps us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of the school's budget.


Did you know the BWE PFA funds in-school assemblies, transportation for field trips and equipment for recess?   By joining you also support popular PFA programs such as Traveling Art Gallery. In addition to supporting our wonderful school, your membership gives you access to After School Program Registration; the Student & Family Directory, and the Yearbook Snapshots Page.




Membership is only $30.00 per family.







If I join, do I have to?

  • Go to meetings? 
    No. But you are always welcome.

  • Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school? 
    Nope! Joining the PFA is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.

When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our teachers and staff.








It is only through the support of parents like you, that the PFA can continue to operate and provide for our students the programs, events and opportunities that it does. Please look for volunteer opportunities throughout the year, which will be published in our PFA newsletters and weekly district emails. A list of our 2024-25 PFA COMMITTEES is located here. If you are interested in volunteering, please email